News and Events

July 2024

EASYGO Final Conference
The grand finale of the EASYGO project will be celebrated with the Final Conference at ETH Zürich and a site visit at the Bedretto Lab from 8 – 12 July 2024. Register now at:

August 2023

First publications

The first peer-reviewed journal publications are accepted. Wen Lou, Anna Kottsova and Mahmoud Eltayieb wrote two manuscripts in collaborative work between TU Delft and ETH Zurich.

The title of their work is ‘Mechanisms causing injectivity decline and enhancement in geothermal projects‘ and ‘Feasibility Study of Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Method for Monitoring Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Reservoirs

All publications from EASYGO are open access and available for everyone.

July 2023

EASYGO is celebrating!

Following the very good review of the mid-term report beginning of the year, EASYGO has been selected as one of the best-executed ITNs within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the European Union and is invited to share the project strengths, management tips, and overall administration practices on the annual European Commission’s Coordinator’s Day to be held on Nov 9th 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. Thanks to the project leaders for this fantastic lead of our project and congratulations to the whole consortium!

May 2023

3rd EASYGO Training Week

The 3rd EASYGO Training Week was organised by the EASYGO Project Management team together with Politecnico Milano, between the 22nd and 26th of May, 2023, in Volterra, Italy. Whereas the first training week focused mostly on an introduction to geothermal energy, geophysical techniques for exploration and monitoring and energy conversion technologies, and the second on Computational Geosciences, Inversion methods, Open-Source concepts, as well as hydraulic stimulation and CO2 geothermal techniques, the third training week focused on technical aspects of exploration and above-ground engineering and installations. The training week was complemented with course on communication and emotions at the workplace. As in the first two training weeks, the lectures were complemented with an extensive poster session, where all ESR students presented and discussed their work with co- Principal Investigators (co-PIs) from all universities. After the poster session, a social gathering completed the training week, with additional time for discussions in a friendly and informal environment.  Additionally, this Training Week offered the opportunity to visit the first geothermal power plant in the world in Larderello, Italy.

January 2023

Periodic Reporting

EASYGO went through a mid-term evaluation by the EU. Internal and external reviewers evaluated the project progress, scientific achievements and project administration. In all categories the EASYGO team performed very well and got very good feedback. The reviewers say: ‘The achievements of this project are very good for the realization of training objectives, the workshops, fieldwork and courses organized. The project has delivered exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact. The good quality of the training provided by this ITN will certainly have a positive impact on the career of the ESRs.

October 2022

EASYGO is going places

Visit us at Geothermal Research and Innovation Booth at European Geothermal Congress 2022, Berlin located in C16.

April 2022

2nd EASYGO Training Week

This EASYGO Training Week took place in Aachen from 21st April until 26th April 2022. The second training week was designed with a focus on Computational Geosciences, Inversion methods, Open-Source concepts, as well as hydraulic stimulation and CO2 geothermal techniques. Apart from scientific and soft skills training, this week also provided an opportunity to all the ESRs to present the current state otheir research in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The training was complemented with a fieldtrip around Aachen, which manifests several thermal springs around the city and hosts the geothermal well- RWTH-1. An important component of this training week was also that it was directly followed by the European Geothermal PhD days (EGPD), a gathering of 60 PhD students from all over Europe working in the field of geothermal energy. This year EGPD was organized by EASYGO students and hosted by RWTH Aachen University. For more news, please see the Outreach section.

January 2022

EASYGO Project Lead was officially transferred to ETH Zurich after EASYGO Grant Agreement Amendment done in December 2021.

January 2022

EASYGO Project check meeting with the Project Officer took place on 27.01.22 and 28.01.22. The meeting was attended by all the Project partners, supervisors, and students.


Research Updates

All ESRs finished the first months of their PhD studies and give an update on their research on the personal ESR pages. Students went to the field, prepared laboratory experiments, started their secondments at partner institutes and all submitted an abstract to the European Geothermal Congress 2022.


Next Training Week with EGPD 2022

The next EASYGO Training Week will take place at RWTH Aachen from 22.-27.4.2022. The Training Week will be organized jointly with the European Geothermal PhD Day 2022. Participants of EGPD 2022 will have the unique opportunity to join part of the EASYGO Training Week.


1st EASYGO Training Week

The first of four `EASYGO Training Weeks` will take place from 6-10 September 2021 on the TU Delft campus. Everybody looks forward to meeting the first time in person. We will welcome 40 people: excellent scientists from TU Delft, ETH Zürich, RWTH Aachen and Politecnico di Milano supervising our 13 EASYGO PhD students and representatives of our distinguished industry partners (this time: EBN, Geophysica, Lu-Ve, Turboden). Topics of the students training are: Introduction to geothermal energy and geochemistry during operation, geophysical monitoring techniques, scientific writing and gender bias. Additionally, the PhD students will present their work, industry partners will give an insight into their practical experience and we will visit the Huisman campus. Students interested in joining remotely should contact the project lead of EASYGO with their names and affiliations.


Next EGPD hosted by RWTH Aachen within EASYGO

The European Geothermal PhD Day 2022 will be hosted by RWTH Aachen and organized by the EASYGO PhD students. The event invites all PhD students from Europe working on geothermal research and takes place every year in another country. The 2022 EGPD will be a joint event with the EASYGO Training Week offering networking possibilities among the researchers and with industry partners.


First PhD students join the project

The first four PhD candidates joined the EASYGO project as of mid of March 2021. David Naranjo and Mahmoud Eltayieb are hosted by TU Delft. Andrea Balza Morales and Esteban Gómez Diaz will be working at RWTH Aachen. Please find details on their background in their profile on this page (LINK to ESR page).


Recruitment completed

13 excellent PhD candidates have been selected from more than 700 applicants. 5 students will join TU Delft, 5 students will work at RWTH Aachen, 2 at ETH Zürich and 1 student will work at PoliMi. The PhD candidates will join the project between March and July 2021.


Recruitment begins for 13 PhD candidates

13 PhD positions within EASYGO are open for applications until mid of December. Refer to our website and Euraxess for more details. We look for excellent, highly motivated candidates with a background in geothermal energy, geosciences or related subjects.


Kick-off online

On November 1st, 2020 EASYGO was kicked off online. Members from all academic and industry partners met online to officially start the project. Many people could not yet meet in person and the consortium had to form mainly online. Nevertheless, everybody is very excited about the coming four years of collaborative research. The consortium will jointly host 13 PhD students.

  • July 2024

    EASYGO Final Conference

  • August 2023

    First Publications

    August 2023

  • July 2023

    EASYGO is celebrating!

  • May 2023

    3rd EASYGO Training Week

    Milestone Content goes here

    May 2023

  • January 2023

    Periodic Reporting

  • January 2022

    EASYGO Project Lead officially transferred to ETH Zurich

    January 2022

  • 27-01-2022

    EASYGO Project check meeting

  • 29-10-2021

    Research Updates


  • 15-10-2021

    Next Training Week with EGPD 2022

  • 6-9-2021 / 10-9-2021

    EASYGO Training Week

    6-9-2021 / 10-9-2021

  • 10-05-2021

    Next EGPD hosted by RWTH Aachen within EASYGO

  • 15-03-2021

    First PhD students join the project


  • 15-02-2021

    Recruitment completed

  • 15-11-2020

    Recruitment begins for 13 PhD candidates


  • 1-11-2020

    Kick-off online

  • 1-11-2020

    Kick-off online


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